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Important tips for housewives to live healthy and fit

Important tips for housewives to live healthy

Are you an Indian housewife finding yourself overweight, stressed and unhealthy. Read these tips for healthy lifestyle to stay fit and healthy without wasting a single rupee from your purse for gym or weight reducing pills and also to avoid their side effects.

Important 6 tips to stay fit,healthy and happy for housewives

1 Avoid dieting. Completely. Instead eat whatever you like or whatever is cooked at home in smaller portion. You should even allow yourself to have cake or pastries on special occasions which motivates you to remain active for next few days. Depriving yourself generally creates a hopeless situation when you don't feel motivated to stay trimmed

2 Use a smaller plate. And fill this plate with everything that is cooked or ready for this meal. You are not using any other side bowls or extra helpings.

3 Do not cheat yourself with a routine time for exercising. As a housewife, you are bound to miss that time and that is enough to down you for the next two days.

4 Instead, exercise anytime of the day. Sit ups, plunges, skipping ropes, playing cricket with kids, Pilate, Yoga, dance, treadmill, exer-biking, brisk walking, stairs, whatever chance comes your way do that for a few minutes. Learn to enjoy that. Since there is no matter of having your stomach full you can and should exercise at any time of the day.

5 Allow yourself to watch TV only when your are doing some activities like moving around or even jumping jacks. Recently I have met a mother who shared this tip with me.

6 Have water instead of all beverages, and very often you can do with water only when hunger pangs strike you! Don't need to grab a multi-grain health cookie every time you feel hungry.
If you start having a very active life you will see the change. You will not tire easily and gradually find it becoming a habit
So these are some tips every housewives should follow to avoid overweight For your own health, for the overall health of your family and to live a happy life you need to stay fit forever!

Hope you like it


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