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Mental Health Importance

When our children fall down and get hurt, they feel physical pain and are aware of the fact that injuries need to be treated. However, when they suffer from mental pain, they might not be able to grasp the importance of taking care of their mental health. Eminent child and adolescent psychotherapist Katie Hurley says that she has 5-year old coming to her office, wherein they are dealing with anxiety and personality disorders, along with severe stress. Hence, educating oneself regarding the nuances of mental health should be a must for adults and children alike.

Apart from imparting academic knowledge, good schools in Gurgaon stress upon preserving your child’s mental health and emotional sanctity. As parents and guardians, we must work towards demolishing the stigmas that surround mental health and educate our children regarding the importance of the same. Experts in psychology have suggested the following tips to foster awareness and mindfulness about mental health in kids - these methods will help kids express themselves better, feel validated in the emotions they feel, and take care of their minds in an effective manner.

The ‘Emotional Volcano’ Method
Many therapists use the ‘emotional volcano’ method with parents and children during therapy sessions. A volcano is drawn on a whiteboard, and the therapist explains how every individual feels a wide range of emotions on a daily basis. When emotions remain repressed, they accumulate and erupt like a volcano. When children do not express their emotions in a healthy manner, these unspoken feelings keep bubbling until they explode. This is when your child starts crying, hitting objects, and kicking about.

Most parents tend to relegate these problems to behavioral issues, but the problem lies in the sudden explosion of emotions that are not dealt with in a proper manner. This emphasizes the importance of talking to your child and gently guiding them towards the expression of repressed emotions. If you see that your child’s face is ridden with anxiety in response to a stressful situation, ask them what is going on, and why they feel the way they do. This will encourage your child to open up and help him/her deal with the emotions at hand.

Teach by Example; Be Mindful of Your Own Habits

A range of studies has exemplified that excessive exposure to gaming and social media can affect children in damaging ways. These habits can disrupt behavioral patterns, moods, sleep cycles, and daily schedules. As per Dr Katherine Williamson, it is crucial for parents and guardians to set a model example of sensible screen time, with the help of daily habits, such as no phones during dinner or bedtime. At the same time, it is important for parents to lead by example while sharing their vulnerabilities, as this will encourage kids to discuss their own issues.

Take Note of Linguistic Cues
According to clinical psychologist Rachel Busman, parents should refrain from interpreting their child’s facial expressions immediately, without giving them a chance to explain themselves. Children should be provided with the opportunity to tell their parents how they feel. Avoid asking generic questions, such as, ‘How was school?’, as these conversations do not reveal much about your child’s mental state. Instead, you can ask: ‘Did something interesting happen in class today?’ or ‘Did you enjoy the painting class held today?’ Take note of your child’s linguistic cues and guide them accordingly.

Teach Mindfulness Techniques

Author and wellness expert Mallika Chopra started meditation at the tender age of 9 and describes it as a ‘great gift’ that should be taught to all kids. Apart from teaching your child how to meditate, you can also teach them gratitude exercises, mindfulness techniques, and yoga. These activities help children relieve stress and attain a sense of calm and relaxation.

Encourage Artistic Expression
As per a research conducted by the University of Rochester Medical Center, artistic pursuits, such as journaling, doodling, painting, and singing can reduce stress and help children tackle anxiety and depression. When children are given the power to tell their own stories, they are able to deal with their emotions in a better way and relieve feelings of anxiety to a certain extent. Children are also able to let out repressed trauma via creative pursuits and open up to teachers, parents, and guardians about their true feelings.

Hence, in order to ensure the holistic well-being of your child, it is vital to inculcate these methods into their life. Moreover, admitting them in a good modern school in Gurgaon will provide your child with a safe environment that is conducive to sound mental health and self-preservation.

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